Smart Trades

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Smart Trades

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at the process 👇

Smart Trades

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at the process 👇


Young Platform is a company with a great mission: build tools to empower everyone to understand, manage and thrive with digital assets.

Young Platform has introduced a new feature, Smart Trades to emphasizes approachability and progressive investments by the users. The app’s interface and interaction design allows investors to easily activate indicators on available cryptos (e.g., BTC, ETH, SOL) to optimize trading outcomes, minimize risk, or take advantage of market opportunities.

Following the user centered design process, I led the product design, user experience, visual design, user testing and development of this project from 0 to 1. I collaborated with Engineers and the PM during the early ideation stage and the CTO throughout the entire project.




Product Designer & Lead


Research & Strategy, Experience, Interface, Prototyping, Visual Design




Young Platform is a company with a great mission: build tools to empower everyone to understand, manage and thrive with digital assets.

Young Platform has introduced a new feature, Smart Trades to emphasizes approachability and progressive investments by the users. The app’s interface and interaction design allows investors to easily activate indicators on available cryptos (e.g., BTC, ETH, SOL) to optimize trading outcomes, minimize risk, or take advantage of market opportunities.

Following the user centered design process, I led the product design, user experience, visual design, user testing and development of this project from 0 to 1. I collaborated with Engineers and the PM during the early ideation stage and the CTO throughout the entire project.




Product Designer & Lead


Research & Strategy, Experience, Interface, Prototyping, Visual Design




Young Platform is a company with a great mission: build tools to empower everyone to understand, manage and thrive with digital assets.

Young Platform has introduced a new feature, Smart Trades to emphasizes approachability and progressive investments by the users. The app’s interface and interaction design allows investors to easily activate indicators on available cryptos (e.g., BTC, ETH, SOL) to optimize trading outcomes, minimize risk, or take advantage of market opportunities.

Following the user centered design process, I led the product design, user experience, visual design, user testing and development of this project from 0 to 1. I collaborated with Engineers and the PM during the early ideation stage and the CTO throughout the entire project.




Product Designer & Lead


Research & Strategy, Experience, Interface, Prototyping, Visual Design




Users are facing challenges related to limited knowledge about when to buy, market emotions such as fear, greed or FOMO (fear of missing out), monitoring the market 24/7, etc.


The primary goal of the Smart Trades feature is to increase the number of transactions executed by users on Young Platform, thereby enhancing overall revenue. This will be achieved by integrating automatic trading strategies that enable users to trade more frequently and knowledgeably, overcoming barriers related to a lack of market understanding or difficulty of constantly monitoring market movements.

We had a goal:

  • Design a clean and intuitive user experience and interface

  • Meet customer user requirements

  • Encouraging users to activate strategies to increase the retention

  • Increase user adoption of Club memberships

  • Give greater constancy to corporate profits

Impact created

We released the new feature in phases. After 4 weeks from the launch we observed:


Unique Users

Unique Users

Unique Users


Total allocated capital by the users

Total allocated capital by the users

Total allocated capital by the users


Trading volume

Trading volume


Club subscriptions

Club subscriptions


Trading volume


Club subscriptions


During the Research phase, I conducted a quick survey with real customers of Young Platform to better understand their knowledge of Trading Bots and to measure their interest in using them.

What I did:

  • Surveys

  • Information analysis

  • Empathy map

  • Competitive analysis

During the Research phase, I conducted a quick survey with real customers of Young Platform to better understand their knowledge of Trading Bots and to measure their interest in using them.

What I did:

  • Surveys

  • Information analysis

  • Empathy map

  • Competitive analysis

During the research phase, we followed a user-centred design process to explore how to enhance Moneybox's mobile experience. Guided by several in-depth interviews with our customers, surveys and feedback from our channels Telegram and Discord with more then 12.500 members we identified common pain points and addressed them through new visual and interaction design solutions.

We got valuable insights related to:

Feature Goal: It seems like the feature advantages are not clear or not perceived.
Saving vs Earning: Users frequently have asked if the feature allowing them to earn interests.
How it works: It seems like the Savings UX missed a proper onboarding.

What I did:

  • Surveys

  • Data gathering

Competitive analysis

I conducted thorough benchmarking research to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Young Platform's competitors. This included testing and analyzing the UX of competing applications and reviewing user feedback to better understand customer preferences.

Companies like Bybit, Binance, OkX, Kucoin offer this feature but for a more experienced user. After the competitor analysis I focused on creating an intuitive user experience.

User Experience

We began by meticulously defining every feature of the MVP, detailing its purpose, logic, error states, and intricate specifics. This comprehensive documentation allowed us to cut through the noise and focus on the core aspects of the product. Once we reached consensus on the functionality of each part, we advanced with confidence to the design proposals. This rigorous process ensured that we addressed all edge cases, resulting in an intuitive and efficient user experience.

As we progressed with the screens, we interviewed potential customers to validate our design assumptions and collect valuable information. These conversations helped us prioritize module functionalities and inform our design decisions from a user standpoint.

What I did:

  • Information architecture

  • Wireframing

  • Usability testing

Visual Design

At this point, my focus was on creating the visual design for the new trading tool. The result is a sleek and modern interface that reflects Young Platform's brand personality, communicating professionalism and reliability.

I chose to implement Dark mode on the page to indicate a section that is detached from the rest, innovative and professional, maintaining it even when the smartphone is in light mode.

What I did:

  • Vision design

  • UI Design

  • Prototyping

At this point, my focus was on creating the visual design for the new trading tool. The result is a sleek and modern interface that reflects Young Platform's brand personality, communicating professionalism and reliability.

I chose to implement Dark mode on the page to indicate a section that is detached from the rest, innovative and professional, maintaining it even when the smartphone is in light mode.

What I did:

  • Vision design

  • UI Design

  • Prototyping

At this point, my focus was on creating the visual design for the new trading tool. The result is a sleek and modern interface that reflects Young Platform's brand personality, communicating professionalism and reliability.

I chose to implement Dark mode on the page to indicate a section that is detached from the rest, innovative and professional, maintaining it even when the smartphone is in light mode.

What I did:

  • Vision design

  • UI Design

  • Prototyping

Feature introduction

Starting to invest with trading bots can be intimidating. An intuitive flow that explain how to use the feature can help new investors navigate the onboarding process.

Most financial products do not foster financial literacy among their users. Prominent information icons and support pages teach users about investing in the context of accomplishing financial tasks.

I thought to introduce social proof elements, that psychological concept that people are influenced in their decision making by others, so, showing how many people are trading on the strategies and tags like popular or featured could be interesting.


I used my findings from user testing the first two sprints to inform initial designs for the creation flow. My goal was to maximize the understanding to provide new investors a positive first experience with the product by starting from the creation page.


My goal in the monitoring page was to help people manage their active indicators. Working on the monitoring page helped me understand user attitudes toward checking their investments and the frequency of use.

Reflections & Next steps

This project had its challenges. It was difficult for me handling the complexity of the feature and to meaningfully simplify the journey into a clear model. With my team behind me giving me support, I was able to establish a strong design and identity that has been appreciated.

The product development lifecycle is a loop; we can always iterate and improve a product based on users feedback and research.

Let's talk

If you want to chat about a project —
please send me an email and I’ll get back shortly.

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