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at the process 👇


Young Platform is a company with a great mission: build tools to empower everyone to understand, manage and thrive with digital assets.

Young Platform wanted to introduce the Moneybox feature. The focus was to bring users a new accumulation format that allows them to spread a recurring purchase over several currencies.

As a product designer and team lead I worked closely with the team to re-design, test and develop the new experience focused on guide the user through an accumulation narrative.




Product Designer & Lead


Research & Strategy, Experience, Interface, Prototyping, Visual Design




Young Platform is a company with a great mission: build tools to empower everyone to understand, manage and thrive with digital assets.

Young Platform wanted to introduce the Moneybox feature. The focus was to bring users a new accumulation format that allows them to spread a recurring purchase over several currencies.

As a product designer and team lead I worked closely with the team to re-design, test and develop the new experience focused on guide the user through an accumulation narrative.




Product Designer & Lead


Research & Strategy, Experience, Interface, Prototyping, Visual Design




Young Platform is a company with a great mission: build tools to empower everyone to understand, manage and thrive with digital assets.

Young Platform wanted to introduce the Moneybox feature. The focus was to bring users a new accumulation format that allows them to spread a recurring purchase over several currencies.

As a product designer and team lead I worked closely with the team to re-design, test and develop the new experience focused on guide the user through an accumulation narrative.




Product Designer & Lead


Research & Strategy, Experience, Interface, Prototyping, Visual Design




Users are facing challenges related to limited portfolio diversification and a lack of options for spreading recurring purchases across multiple currencies.

The current market behavior reflects a tendency for users to concentrate their investments in well-known cryptocurrencies, primarily BTC and ETH, resulting in missed opportunities for diversification in other assets.

Users are facing challenges related to limited portfolio diversification and a lack of options for spreading recurring purchases across multiple currencies.

The current market behavior reflects a tendency for users to concentrate their investments in well-known cryptocurrencies, primarily BTC and ETH, resulting in missed opportunities for diversification in other assets.

Users are facing challenges related to limited portfolio diversification and a lack of options for spreading recurring purchases across multiple currencies.

The current market behavior reflects a tendency for users to concentrate their investments in well-known cryptocurrencies, primarily BTC and ETH, resulting in missed opportunities for diversification in other assets.


Research, strategize and re-design a new experience to encourage users to shift from one-shot purchases to a more disciplined, continuous accumulation strategy, fostering a culture of long-term investments among platform users.

We had a goal:

  • Improve the current Moneybox feature not used

  • Encouraging Moneybox diversification by users

  • Increase users’ awareness of continuous accumulation

  • Give greater constancy to corporate profits

Research, strategize and re-design a new experience to encourage users to shift from one-shot purchases to a more disciplined, continuous accumulation strategy, fostering a culture of long-term investments among platform users.

We had a goal:

  • Improve the current Moneybox feature not used

  • Encouraging Moneybox diversification by users

  • Increase users’ awareness of continuous accumulation

  • Give greater constancy to corporate profits

Research, strategize and re-design a new experience to encourage users to shift from one-shot purchases to a more disciplined, continuous accumulation strategy, fostering a culture of long-term investments among platform users.

We had a goal:

  • Improve the current Moneybox feature not used

  • Encouraging Moneybox diversification by users

  • Increase users’ awareness of continuous accumulation

  • Give greater constancy to corporate profits


We launched the new version of the Moneybox internally for the Product Team in order to conduct usability testing throughout the product and then we released to all the user base.

After 4 weeks from the launch we observed:


Nbr. unique users

Nbr. unique users

Nbr. unique users


Nbr. recurring trans.

Nbr. recurring trans.

Nbr. recurring trans.


Nbr. users who diversified cryptos

Nbr. users who diversified cryptos

Nbr. users who diversified cryptos


We began the project by conductive Jam-sections with part of the team on the project (PM, engineers, designers) to brainstorm ideas. We analysed the current feature on the product to define pain and gain points in order to identify opportunities of improvement.

By the end of the immersion phase, we had a clear understanding of the project's objectives and a well-defined roadmap for moving forward with the design process.

What I did:

  • Affinity mapping

  • Brainstorming

  • Product & Feature Audit


During the research phase, we followed a user-centred design process to explore how to enhance Moneybox's mobile experience. Guided by several in-depth interviews with our customers, surveys and feedback from our channels Telegram and Discord with more then 6.000 members, we identified common pain points and addressed them through new visual and interaction design solutions.

What I did:

  • Surveys

  • Data gathering

  • User Feedback

  • Competitive analysis

During the research phase, we followed a user-centred design process to explore how to enhance Moneybox's mobile experience. Guided by several in-depth interviews with our customers, surveys and feedback from our channels Telegram and Discord with more then 6.000 members, we identified common pain points and addressed them through new visual and interaction design solutions.

What I did:

  • Surveys

  • Data gathering

  • User Feedback

  • Competitive analysis

During the research phase, we followed a user-centred design process to explore how to enhance Moneybox's mobile experience. Guided by several in-depth interviews with our customers, surveys and feedback from our channels Telegram and Discord with more then 12.500 members we identified common pain points and addressed them through new visual and interaction design solutions.

We got valuable insights related to:

Feature Goal: It seems like the feature advantages are not clear or not perceived.
Saving vs Earning: Users frequently have asked if the feature allowing them to earn interests.
How it works: It seems like the Savings UX missed a proper onboarding.

What I did:

  • Surveys

  • Data gathering

Competitive analysis

Competitive analysis involves assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors.

We conducted thorough benchmarking research on 8 mobile apps of which 3 of them proved to be very strong on this feature: Bitpanda, and Revolut. This included testing and analyzing the UX of competing applications and reviewing user feedback to better understand customer preferences.

Competitive analysis involves assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors.

We conducted thorough benchmarking research on 8 mobile apps of which 3 of them proved to be very strong on this feature: Bitpanda, and Revolut. This included testing and analyzing the UX of competing applications and reviewing user feedback to better understand customer preferences.

During the research phase, we followed a user-centred design process to explore how to enhance Moneybox's mobile experience. Guided by several in-depth interviews with our customers, surveys and feedback from our channels Telegram and Discord with more then 12.500 members we identified common pain points and addressed them through new visual and interaction design solutions.

We got valuable insights related to:

Feature Goal: It seems like the feature advantages are not clear or not perceived.
Saving vs Earning: Users frequently have asked if the feature allowing them to earn interests.
How it works: It seems like the Savings UX missed a proper onboarding.

What I did:

  • Surveys

  • Data gathering

User Experience

Once we agreed with the research phase, we confidently moved forward with the high level view of the feature. This thorough process ensured that we covered all corner cases to create an intuitive and efficient user experience.

With this information, we were able to organize the data and make informed decisions about the design of the new feature.

We then presented multiple design directions to the team and worked collaboratively to evaluate and refine the best path forward.

What I did:

  • Information Architecture

  • User Flows

  • Wireframing

Once we agreed with the research phase, we confidently moved forward with the high level view of the feature. This thorough process ensured that we covered all corner cases to create an intuitive and efficient user experience.

With this information, we were able to organize the data and make informed decisions about the design of the new feature.

We then presented multiple design directions to the team and worked collaboratively to evaluate and refine the best path forward.

What I did:

  • Information Architecture

  • User Flows

  • Wireframing

Once we agreed with the research phase, we confidently moved forward with the high level view of the feature. This thorough process ensured that we covered all corner cases to create an intuitive and efficient user experience.

With this information, we were able to organize the data and make informed decisions about the design of the new feature.

We then presented multiple design directions to the team and worked collaboratively to evaluate and refine the best path forward.

What I did:

  • Information Architecture

  • User Flows

  • Wireframing

Visual Design

Once we laid the foundations of our architecture, we started iterating on different design solutions and styles. For the visual language, I relied on tailor-made components and a systematic approach to accelerate iterations and take care of consistency across every screen.

The result was a sleek and modern interface that aligned with Young Platform's brand personality and communicated simplicity and trustworthiness.

After several iterations, I developed a functional prototype for each proposal for user testing.

What I did:

  • Vision Boards

  • UI Design

  • Prototyping

Once we laid the foundations of our architecture, we started iterating on different design solutions and styles. For the visual language, I relied on tailor-made components and a systematic approach to accelerate iterations and take care of consistency across every screen.

The result was a sleek and modern interface that aligned with Young Platform's brand personality and communicated simplicity and trustworthiness.

After several iterations, I developed a functional prototype for each proposal for user testing.

What I did:

  • Vision Boards

  • UI Design

  • Prototyping

Once we laid the foundations of our architecture, we started iterating on different design solutions and styles. For the visual language, I relied on tailor-made components and a systematic approach to accelerate iterations and take care of consistency across every screen.

The result was a sleek and modern interface that aligned with Young Platform's brand personality and communicated simplicity and trustworthiness.

After several iterations, I developed a functional prototype for each proposal for user testing.

What I did:

  • Vision Boards

  • UI Design

  • Prototyping

Feature introduction

The Moneybox now has a proper space to live on, a whole section in navigation bar. We divided the moneybox creation in 3 different ways: The Curated Bundle, The Bespoke Bundle and The Single Coin Moneybox with a single coin.


By tapping a promo banner in the app or entering the page for the first time opens a tutorial like stories to guide the user through the first activation. This approach helped users navigate through the feature, set up their Moneybox, and use the feature effectively.

Package creation

Activating the Moneybox involves setting up a dedicated space within the app where users can allocate and manage funds on single, custom and bundles of cryptos. Here the creation of a package where the user has to choose their favourite package and then follow the flow

Custom creation

We listened the riquest of the users, 25% of whom suggested improving with customization options for moneyboxes.

We defined a way to manage a moneybox by choosing your favourites crypto.


After the creation of a moneybox the user can track their investments through the main page divided by type and by clicking on one of them can enter to see an overview with performance, earnings, buttons to add or close the Moneybox, chart distribution and recurrring purchase button.

Reflections & Next steps

I’ve learned how engineers can sometimes out-design a designer, how being told ‘no’ many times doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road, and how bringing the entire team for testing changes their perspective towards the importance of our work.

Let's talk

If you want to chat about a project —
please send me an email and I’ll get back shortly.

All rights reserved

